What's All The Hype About Energy Rebates?
There are a number of New York state energy rebates and you can literally save thousands of dollars when you know the way to integrate these into your life. There are rebates for many different renewable energy options such as on grid connected and off grid solar panels, solar hot water or solar pumping systems. If you qualify for one of the New York Government's renewable energy rebates subsidies or grants then you could save a lot of money on your energy expenditure.
Home solar power rebates
The Solar Credits rebate can save you thousands on a system if you meet the requirements. You can also make money from a rooftop solar array. The major rebate currently available is the national Solar Credits Program. The Solar Credits multiplier offers thousands of dollars in savings depending on the size and location of installation, and applies to new installations of small-scale renewable energy generators eligible under the scheme. Solar credits will apply to the first 1.5 kilowatts (KW) of capacity installed. Renewable energy Certificates accompany solar power equipment purchases and can be traded for cash. However please note that the multiplier credits will only apply to the first small scale generation system installed at an address.